SOLD*Solatario, 20 Acres Tr# 2926 Block 15, Section 13


  • Price (IN USD $):
  • For Sale/Rent?: Sale
  • State: TX

Property Description

SOLD* Block 15, Section 13, Tract 2926, 20 Acres+- Solatario Region, Approximately 12 North of Terlingua Ghosttown. The terrain is varied with a lot of vegetation. Birds & Animals of all kinds call this remote area home. No restrictions, but do be courteous with your lights and keep them pointed down as this is a DARK SKY Community.
Call in advance to schedule a showing and plan on bringing your own high clearance auto. We look forward to meeting you!


Additional Information

  • Location/Area :Alpine,Terlingua,South Brewster County,South Hwy 118
  • Other Features :Big Bend Motor Inn-Study Butte, Chili Pepper-Study Butte, High Sierra-Terlingua, Association Fee, Bad Rabbit Cafe- Terlingua Lodge, Clubhouse, Pool
  • Status: Contract Pending
  • Annual Property Tax: $142
  • Acreage: 20 acres
  • CAD Property ID: 24340
  • POATRI Fees: $193
  • For Sale by Agent

    Pam Clouse

    Listing Details :
    Listed on : 20/01/22
    Property Id : #322

    Agent Contact Info

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