Brewster County is an old ranching area and many of the lands for sale have not been surveyed or improved. Fences were put up for convenience not boundary Lines. Many owners have never seen their property, buying off the internet or inheriting it. Locating property on your own can be time consuming and can be discouraging as roads exist that are not on the maps and roads that are on the maps may not be accurate.
West Texas Realty can only show you land that it has listed and relies solely upon the original plat maps, tax records and information given to us by the seller or heirs for the sellers and does not warrant this information to be correct.
If you need to know if a certain tree, rock or boundary line is on the subject property you are looking to purchase, consult a licensed surveyor of your choice. We cannot do that for you or recommend one. Make sure that person has an valid surveyor license.
Understand that the terms “Draws, Creeks, Seasonal Springs” are all terms that the bottom line means that water runs there sometime and sometime it may not, or it may not of ever run there. Creeks can change course when water runs through them, moving dirt around, creating deeper draws and washing away rock & trees It can really change the geography of the land and change your boundaries.
There are several military training routes in this area so the possibilities of low flying aircrafts exist.
Minerals in this area for the most part are . Minerals are what we call fee simple- meaning the seller gives you what he has IF he has any. This is not an area that has gas or oil wells (meaning South County & Terlingua area)West Texas Realty wants you to find the property you are looking for and be able to enjoy the entire experience. This is a great community and we would like to welcome you to our area.
Please use good common sense when in a territory you are unfamiliar with and use due diligence in purchasing property to make sure it is everything you are wanting.
Remember that most Realtors work for the seller as do we. We work as a buyers agent in transactions where we do not already represent the seller.
There are Realtors, real estate agents & land dealers. Make sure you know the difference. ASK.